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20 December 2008

montclair NJ facility moving-must place all pets by dec 29th.

please click for full size

a forever friend for christmas..
paws shelter website


Anonymous said...

yes more people should save little animals. I have a friend on my blog named Vixen Kitten and she saves cats all the time, you should befriend her....

thanks for becoming my friend

Wolf said...

cool-i will have to go check out her blog.

and you're welcome :)

BeadedTail said...

I hope they are able to find forever homes for all those sweet animals. Actually, I wish all animals had a forever home for the holidays and hopefully one day that will come true. Thank you for bringing awareness to these animals needing a home!

Wolf said...

i hope they do too-i wish i could get up to jersey and get cameron-he looks just like one i had that passed last year.

my "kids" would be mad,but they'd get over it LOL

Curious Curandera said...

Happy day after Christmas!!!

Wolf said...

thank you concha~ you too :)

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