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07 December 2008

Douche of the month award goes to..

(from cox news)

Pawtucket Grinch Steals Gifts
12-06-2008 4:45 AM

(Pawtucket, RI) -- A family in Pawtucket, already facing hard times, had hundreds of dollars in gifts stolen from them. William Labree woke up Thursday to a knocked over Christmas tree, windows open, scratches on the door, and his kids presents gone. Witnesses said a white male in a red pick-up truck took everything. Labree says he is out of work, the house is in foreclosure, and now the kids won't have anything for Christmas. He says the gifts were donated by friends hoping to give his little girl and boy a Christmas to remember. Labree says besides the gifts, the thief took the families rented big screen TV and the kids bikes. Pawtucket Police are still investigating.

blogger's note:
what an evil,evil man.
stealing from a family already in foreclosure.
i wish they'd had a donation site-i'd send them something.
i know times are hard,but there's no call for this type of crap.

one in,one out

i was reading in the paper the Living Room (nightclub) in providence is closing for good.that's really sad.i remember the big bubble days,when extreme was always playing,and sold out was a great club,always worth the admission.
never seemed to get the following it once did after it moved.
thanx for the memories,randy.on that note,what ever happened to big richard?
cool,cool guy.

on the other side,Luke's record exchange in pawtucket is supposed to be reopening.
that's good to hear-found many a rare poster or album there.the place was a goldmine
for band merch and rarities.

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